
Reasons Roof Maintenance Should be a Top Priority 🛠

Your roof plays as the defense to the interior of your home to protect your possessions and your family. This is why, as a homeowner, making sure your roof is maintained should be important to you. The team at Alpha Roofing would like to share with you the three reasons you should keep your roof maintained. Energy Efficiency🚪 After a strong wind or heavy rain, your roof is known to collect debris. Leaves, twigs, and other debris can attract heat, affecting indoor temperature. Without proper roof maintenance by a professional roofing contractor, your energy bills are certain to skyrocket. The thought of searching for a reliable roofer in your area may seem like an aggravating and unnecessary task, however it can potentially save you money if you find the right roofing company. At Alpha Roofing we find it essential to inform our clients on the importance of roof maintenance, as well as, providing top of the line roofing services in Bossier City LA.  Long-Term Savings💵

Areas of Your Roof Prone to Leak

There are some areas of your roofing system that are more likely to be damaged than others. When these areas are damaged, they are prone to leaks. Water leaks can lead to considerable problems such as mold, rotted framing, destroyed insulation and damaged ceilings. In this post the three areas of your roof that are the most vulnerable to leaks will be discussed. Roof Valleys One area of your roof that is susceptible to leaks are the points where two sections of the roof intersect. This area is referred to as roof valleys. Generally, your roof valleys are covered by flashings which are water-tight thin metal strips that seal the seam the two sections of your roof. However, flashings are not leak-proof. Over time flashings between tend to become damaged too. It is a safe practice to check your roof valleys and make sure that the flashings are in good condition. If you do not deal with small leaks in the roof valley or do precautionary maintenance, this could consequently lead to la